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Farmer's Delight is a mod created by vectorwing which adds several new decorative blocks, utilities, as well as new food sources.

Utilities allow you to grow crops in better quality soil called Rich Soil which Randomly Boosts the growth of crops similar to Bone Meal[1] and scavenge resources with the [tool name and picture].


Wild Crops[]

These new crop types must be found in the wild

Additional recipes can be found via the Just Enough Items interface
Name Yields with Broken Description
Wild Cabbage Cabbage Seeds
Wild Onion Onion + Allium
Wild Carrots Carrot
Wild Potatoes Potato
Wild Rice Rice Only grows when submerged in water
Tomato Vine Tomato + Tomato Seeds
Sea Beet Beetroot + Beetroot Seeds
Brown Mushroom Colony Brown Mushroom Only grows on Mycelium
Red Mushroom Colony Red Mushroom Only grows on Mycelium


Additional crops which can be farmed

Additional recipes can be found via the Just Enough Items interface
Name Description
Cabbage Can be crafted via Cabbage Leaf
Rice Panicle Cannot be eaten
Rice Crafted from Rice Panicle



Crates are decorative blocks. They can be sold in the trade station using the farming occupation in return for one silver coin.

Recipes can be found via Just Enough Items
Name Ingredients
Carrot Crate Carrot
Potato Crate Potato
Beetroot Crate Beetroot
Cabbage Crate Cabbage
Tomato Crate Tomato
Onion Crate Onion
Rice Bale Rice Panicle
Bag of Rice Rice
Straw Bale Straw

Higher Quality Soil[]

Rich Soil[]

Rich Soil is a modified form of Dirt blocks which has higher quality soil which has more durability.

Rich Soil isn't crafted directly. You make it by crafting Organic Compost and putting it into the world. It will then decompose over time.

This soil block can be tilled into Rich Farmland through the use of hoes.

It is immune to mob trampling and won't unravel to melons or pumpkins. Hydration is required to boost crop growth.

Mushrooms planted on rich soil in dark enough areas will form a Mushroom Colony after some time. These Colonies will grow between 2 and 5 mushrooms dropping them when harvested.

Organic Compost[]

Decomposition is more easily done under direct sunlight and moisture from water nearby. (This use of water is not like the irrigation for farmland). Decomposition can be furthered along by the use of Activators when they are placed next to the Organic Compost in a 3x3x3 are with the Organic Compost placed in the center.

These blocks behave as activators for Organic Compost
Brown and Red Mushrooms (and their colonies) Brown Mushroom
Podzol Found in (x) biomes. Must be harvested with silk tools or
Mycelium Found in (y) biomes. Must be harvested with silk tools or
Organic Compost
Rich Soil Normal or Tilled


Decorative blocks which behave identically to Barrels

Name Ingredients Description
Pantry Corresponding Wood Slab +

Corresponding Wood Trapdoor

Only one wood type can be used per pantry
Basket Canvas +


Canvas Signs[]

Signs with different textures.

Name Ingredients Description
Canvas Sign Any Planks +

Canvas +


Yields 3 Signs
Coloured Sign Respective Dye +

Any Colour Canvas Sign

Three colours of sign will default to having white text instead of black:

Gray, Purple, Blue, Brown, Green, Red, and Black

Cooking Tools[]


Behaves similarly to a campfire. Can cook six items at a time.

Can be extinguished with shovel or water and reignited with flint and steel.


Used to process things into alternate forms.

Can also be used as a weapon. Variants follow typical progression with the exception of flint replacing wood.

Cutting Board[]

Can be used to process items into an alternate form.

Using an axe on a wood item can convert that wood item back into a single plank. Likewise when used on a log it strips it and also drops bark.

Using shears on a leather item can convert that leather item back into a single piece of leather.

Using a knife on foodstuff can convert that foodstuff into a smaller form. This is often required for more advanced recipes for the cooking pot.


Used to cook food for relatively low maintenance on the go.

When holding raw food in the offhand and standing near a campfire or stove, the food will start to cook in the skillet at a heightened rate.

When shift-clicked onto a stove or campfire, the skillet will place. It will then behave similar to a campfire with some exceptions. An entire stack of food can be placed in the skillet, but only one food will cook at a time. Each food item will still cook at a heightened rate.

Cooking Pot[]

Allows several new recipes to be crafted.

Must be placed over a stove or campfire. Afterwards behaves similarly to a furnace with one major exception. Most items cooked in the pot must be extracted using a bowl. Exceptions to this rule, as well as recipes can be seen using the Just Enough Items interface.

Recipes cooked in a pot tend to have incredible nourishment, often restoring 8 hunger points and 13 saturation points (similar to vanilla steak) or higher.



Applies additional damage to target when stricken from behind.


Given from food considered 'soups or stews'.

Slowness, Hunger, and Weakness are removed from the player, and cannot be reapplied until the effect wears off.


Given from feasts (large meals that must be placed and picked up with a bowl before eaten).

Prevents the player from losing hunger or saturation through exhausting actions. The effect will pause when taken damage and spending saturation to regenerate health.
